New User Request

Please complete all fields below to request a new user. Once the form is complete, we will activate the new user or contact you should we have any queries.

If this user creation requires an additional cloud service licence (Office 365 / Google G-Suite etc) the account and associated costs will be added to your agreement and billed on the next billing cycle. If you are unsure please contact us for further information on 03300 586 586.

Please do give us as much notice as you can for new user requests, ideally 3 days before the new starter arrives.

1. User Personal Details

Please provide details of the new user.

2. New User Account Settings

The below options will be used to create the user account on your system as well as to configure the user's email settings. Please note a unique password will be generated for the new account.

3. Permissions

The information in this section will determine the system access levels of the new user’s account.

4. Software

In this section, please detail which software the new user needs to have available to them.

5. Printers and Screens

The below will define which printers the user will have access to and at which level


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